The Easter Calculator

This JavaScript page calculates the date of Easter Sunday for a given year. It is important to select the type of calendar in use for that year and that country. The Julian calendar was valid in all countries before 4 Oct 1582. The Gregorian calendar was introduced:
1582 in Spain, Portugal, Italy and most catholic countries, 1700 in Germany (protestantic countries), 1752 in England, 1753 in Sweden, 1873 in Japan, 1875 in Egypt, 1912 in China, 1918 in the Sowjet Union and 1923 in Greece.

Please enter the year:
Julian calendar:
Gregorian calendar:
Date of Easter is:  
Date of Ascension is:  
Date of Pentecost is:  

Hint: You may save this page on your hard disk. The Easter Calculator also works offline.